Focus Area Videos

Video: Excerpts From Bob Kelley’s Keynote Speech At Mensa National Conference

Personal Injury and Wrongful Death specialist Robert W. Kelley, a noted Florida-based trial lawyer, addressed the 2017 MENSA Annual Gathering in Ft. Lauderdale on the topic of his upcoming book The Memorandum. Speaking to a Standing Room Only ballroom, Bob Kelley and his co-presenter and legal partner John Uustal exposed companies whose products kill or… Watch Video

[Video] What is Medical Malpractice? Medical Mistakes and Lawsuits

Robert W. Kelley, Florida-based medical malpractice trial lawyer focused on full compensation for victims (and their families) of medical errors, hospital mistakes and other negligent healthcare provider actions. Florida Medical Malpractice Lawyer Bob Kelley Decodes Medical Malpractice. He looks at medical mistakes, hospital errors, physician negligence and more as well as the rules and realities… Watch Video